Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: any news from Nerd, what direction PP15?

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Jun 03, 2015 ยท 355 posts

piersyf posted Sun, 07 June 2015 at 11:18 PM

Forgive us for not taking things as seriously as you do, Male_M3dia... I'll run out right now and spend $500 on an Nvidia card so I can access the glorious free IRAY of DS4.8. How stupid of me. And here I was just adding to a conversation on what I would like to see added to Poser. BTW, if you're wondering where I got $500 from, I live in Australia... that's what they cost here (at least comparable to the AMD card I already have).

I like Poser. I have no problem with DS, I'm just not familiar with it. I'm watching Blender cycles for OpenCL support.

Frankly, whenever a new version of a renderer comes out, or DS update their product I check them out. To date I have not seen a single render produced that would make me undertake the learning curve to access their environment. Maybe one day, but not at present.