Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What Are You Currently Working On? Share It Here!

AmbientShade opened this issue on Sep 22, 2014 ยท 585 posts

NanetteTredoux posted Mon, 29 June 2015 at 12:44 AM

This sort of thing happens when you are illustrating a book. I needed a "grandma's teaset" and couldn't find a complete set in the style I wanted. So I made it in three colours. The flower decorations are Poser renders as well. It's going into my freestuff here and at shareCG.

Poser 11 Pro, Windows 10

Auxiliary Apps: Blender 2.79, Vue Complete 2016, Genetica 4 Pro, Gliftex 11 Pro, CorelDraw Suite X6, Comic Life 2, Project Dogwaffle Howler 8, Stitch Witch