(Above image is to show her natural posture in relation to some of the text below. She was just staning there while I was swaping lenses, and all i did was tell her to drop her chin a little, The rest was her natural pose) Bsteph, in reguards to the question, I need more info. Do you meen which angel with the camara in relation to the body, or which angel the model's body needs to be at in relation to thoer body parts? If it is the camara angel in relation to the center of the model's hips. I would say 20 degreese off center to the side that the weight is on. IE the oppisit side of the hip you want to excentuate. Then have them rotate at the waist to the camara so that it creates a nice abbdominal line, and creates the ilution that the body is square to the camara. But that's on paper, there is no substitute for seeing through the viewfinder. I started with the 20 degree frame here then chose to go square to her hips so that it showed a bit of skin out of from behind the shirt. Her head angel is also a bit unique, but I think it was natural. I'll ask her though and see what she says. She has a very thin and lanky body though, more so than the profecionals I have worked with, so she has some really weard posture issues that need to be adressed. Like when she stands, she naturaly sticks her butt out, which don't get me wrong, looks very nice, though looks akward. Dispite how akward it looks, that is how she is comfortable. That's where the training is needed. See attached image. She has the posture and body configuration of someone that is 6'1" though she is only 5'7" (Really tinny wast,) And a dress size "0" is big in her wast but perfect for her hips and chest. I hope that helps, but I'm still not sure I know what your after... -Gabe-