Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Something Rpublishing should do

Winterclaw opened this issue on Jul 21, 2015 ยท 146 posts

AmbientShade posted Thu, 30 July 2015 at 8:02 PM

No, I mean, the creation of animated joint centers is a pro feature but will become standard as a creation function in later versions. I realize this is probably OT but I'm curious, I mean otherwise those creation features would be locked into a past version moving forward. So I mean these pro features only remain pro until the next version, so if you're patient eventually you'll have access to these bells and whistles too.

No, that's not how they've been doing it. The features that are only available in the pro versions continue to only be available in the next pro versions, along with newer features that are, again, only available in the pro version. Whether that remains the case with Poser 11 and on remains to be seen. But that would pretty much defeat the purpose of having a pro version to begin with from a marketing perspective, since more people would just wait it out. Standard Poser is pretty much just an enhanced version of Poser Debut, as far as I understand. I haven't used a standard version of Poser since Poser 7 and I've never used Debut so I can't say for sure. But you can look at the comparison chart I linked to in my previous post to see all the features that have remained only in the pro versions.

Here's the link again: