Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Question for the Render Guru's here

rokket opened this issue on Jul 26, 2015 ยท 1225 posts

parkdalegardener posted Sat, 08 August 2015 at 11:47 AM

rokket look at the image you want to imitate. The sun is directly behind the figure and the light onto the figure comes from the side. If you want to copy this image do the same. Put an image that includes a visible sun on the sphere. Rotate sphere till sun is in place behind figure. Place a single infinite light illuminating from the side. Drop the intensity and render using IDL.

In the original image with the sun behind the figure, everything facing the camera would be in hard dark shadow with a halo around the MOS. A reflector would be used for fill to give the face enough light to see it in camera. You could do this in Poser with an emitter but the infinite light will work with a couple of bounces to even the lighting out.