Forum: Community Center

Subject: Gallery Updates

bwsupport opened this issue on Aug 26, 2015 ยท 19 posts

Giana posted Wed, 26 August 2015 at 11:39 PM

gosh. i'm starting to feel as if every time i turn around, learn more about what staff/programmers are trying to do with things, i have something not positive to say about it, or rather, i suppose it will most likely be perceived that way, which is, nor ever has been, my intent.

"A 'For You' section has been added, this section pulls images based on what your followers are viewing, favoriting and liking"

this seems a little flawed to me. i follow someone based on their ART, not what their preferences of viewing things might be. maybe they do cute little twisted images, and that's what i like to view & why i follow them, but the person i'm following likes viewing things that are far from what they themselves create, or they purchase stuff i have zero interest in. or someone following me doesn't care for all the gothlicky things that draw me in like honey, and i don't think i do a whole lot in the genre i adore so much thus my art doesn't necessarily reflect my taste, so then their experience might become a bit skewed because of my bit in their equation, in the galleries as well as the MP.

ok, you say, easy enough to clean up and drop following certain folks to try to better 'customise' things for myself. but then how do i know whenst they post an image or a product i might like?

also, tons of folks in the galleries might never see this information, unless you decide to put it in the Activity Feed, so my experience could forever remain skewed simply because folks DO use the 'follow' thing as a social tool, don't realise how the site itself is using it, and don't want to cull anyone from it for whatever personal reasons they have.

given enough time, and if you do the math, essentially, if i want a customised experience then i'll need to eventually only surround myself with those of similar minds, and then we can become a hive. how exceptionally boring and narrow in focus.

i guess i just don't see how this falls in line with the idea of: "The galleries along with the rest of the site has been updated to give users more control over the content they see..." and if i actually had tons of folks i'm following, then to get the most out of my experience requires me to also guess at who i should un-follow, and test, test, and test again to get a balance. who has that kind of patience or time?

could a little profile survey not just be created asking about likes and dislikes at an individual level, and if it is attached, or married, to our profiles, it would also allow for us to change it on a whim if we're so inclined. yes, more work for you guys, and i'll guess not a quick, simple or easy fix on the back-end if it were to be a well-developed tool to give one any kind of meaningful results, but there it is...

of course, the real easy easy way out is to just never visit the "For You" section either which sort of defeats its existence, but, here too, there it is...
it would be nice to have ways to truly self-customise things though...[shrug]

there are my immediate knee-jerk, gut thoughts and suggestions...
i'll try refrain from thinking on this further, so that way i'll feel less motivated to say anything else about it.

thanks for reading...