Forum: Community Center

Subject: Members Are Asking The Same Question,

hopeandlove opened this issue on Aug 24, 2015 ยท 30 posts

3dstories posted Thu, 27 August 2015 at 12:14 PM

By the way, I should add that until recently a lot of my characters in my Render experiments tended to be wearing simpler and often skimpier clothes, though not necessarily suggestive ones, for the main reason that more than one figure in a scene with a fully clothed outfit was barely renderable on my machine. Skimpy clothing was also a novelty, and I think it was true that some of the best executed apparels were lingerie (SP?) oriented, such as those from Hongyu. Conforming was difficult really until the latest POSER release, always requiring tweaking after every single pose practically,. and dynamic clothing did not live up to its promise. I could do a fully detailed background scene as long as it didn't have people in it. Whenever I added people it was a trade-off. Now things are much better, and I'm even circling back going after the V3 and A3 because their clothing was less horsepower intensive and when combined with Gamer's polygon reduction I can use them as well-thought out characters fully clothed in the background.