Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What the heck happened to Apollo Maximus??

Anim8dtoon opened this issue on Aug 05, 2015 ยท 225 posts

Kalypso posted Thu, 15 October 2015 at 6:39 PM Site Admin

Actually Anton is the ultimate Renaissance Poser man. He did everything from modeling humans, creatures, plants, props, hair, morphing, texturing, lights, clothing, you name it and he's done it. Back in the P4 days the first things I got from PFO fun stuff (as it was called then) and from the Props Guild were from Anton. And when he took on the Platinum Club most of the items on offer there were by him not to mention his involvement with V3 who was nothing like the previous Millennium woman. If only SM had the brains to have him create the next Poser characters and related content.