Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: New competition figure Sneak previews - SM

Razor42 opened this issue on Nov 03, 2015 ยท 240 posts

Male_M3dia posted Sun, 08 November 2015 at 11:58 PM

diogenese19348 posted at 12:05AM Mon, 09 November 2015 - #4237538

My reaction to the first pictures was "Wow, is it really 2005 again?" I mean it looks so vintage Poserish, particularly when you compare it with the V6 and V7 renders. I never got to whether she's a good looking model of a woman, she looks like a cartoon. So count me in the "um, guys, be careful with your promo shots, even of beta's" camp.

Looking at the later renders of her helps in that regard. But morphs can fix most stuff, I'd be interested in knowing how she bends, and what kind of expressions she is capable of. And of course you can't tell that from any of the renders in this thread. There certainly isn't anything there that would drive me straight back to Poser, and my last copy is 2010. Meh, it's still a beta though, so it has time.

Well with all the fanfare from SM saying that the new version of Poser is releasing soon, it seems like the rigging is getting a rush job with weightmaps getting adjustments even while preview pics are being shown. From a content developer point of view, you simply can't keep changing the rigging and setup on a figure you are wanting people to work on so soon to release, unless you're not releasing the figures with the program. You definitely can't change rigging and weightmaps on content developers making clothing; that will make them mad if they have to keep redoing the rigging.

With all the public redos and fixes, it would seem either the content is being rushed out the door, or the testers aren't doing a thorough job of catching these issues before the public sees them, in addition to people being hostile to people pointing out the issues. Either scenario doesn't inspire confidence in making content for the figure, and really the stuff being shown needs to be solid before showing it to the public. The content and the renders really do play a part in getting people on board with the software and so far only the primitives rendered by Bagginsbill shows any promise for the release. Everything else looks really amateurish and that's not a good thing for competition.