Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: New competition figure Sneak previews - SM

Razor42 opened this issue on Nov 03, 2015 ยท 240 posts

Male_M3dia posted Wed, 11 November 2015 at 1:30 PM

-Timberwolf- posted at 2:30PM Wed, 11 November 2015 - #4238123

Male_M3dia posted at 7:49PM Wed, 11 November 2015 - #4238118

-Timberwolf- posted at 1:22PM Wed, 11 November 2015 - #4238101

Right now testers at RDNA admit, that there are pose and rigging issues with pauline. It is up to SM now to address it, why else do they have beta testers for? If SM won't listen, then nobody should complain about the ucoming figure bashing. All I can say is: told you so. SM just doesn't learn. let's hope fore the best. I do think, that Pauline T-stands looks acceptable and I am curious to work on her. That's a good start. and that's way more than we had in the past releases. SM must take more effort in the rigging and add an advanced JCM system like DAZ added on G3. This must be done, or SM figures will rust again in the Runtime backyard.

The testers should have already figured out the rigging issues far before the Sneak Preview. It seems like they aren't objectively testing the items, then taking offense when the public points out the things they should have already caught. Properly putting your product through the motions by qualified people has benefits in the long run, especially when you end up showing the public a polished product. If all you're doing is stroking egos or you don't know what to test, you end up damaging the product when it's time to show it to the world.

I wonder, what those testers are doing then? What whould be your workflow in an app like Poser? I'd load a figure first and pose it (hint: P-O-S-E-R) ;) So posing issues whould be the firts thing you see. It is hard to believe, that short before a deadline, it becomes obvious: "oh crap, our figures don't bend correct."

Is the dependency editor for JCMs? If so, doing JCMs is dead easy in DS. Once I create my morph corrections, I can go through about 30 morph corrections by dragging and dropping in about 30 minutes. Being able to getting to the point of using a HD-type tool is know how to sculpt 1 million polys in a modeller first. Knowing how to do it the established way, subdividing and a normal map, needs to be learned if you are doing it by hand. That said, there are already people that don't have access to the DAZ tool and still can create stunning morphs just having the proper tools such as zbrush or mudbox. People have long been able to use low poly models and add subdivision and HD details to them without use of a proprietary tool.