Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: New competition figure Sneak previews - SM

Razor42 opened this issue on Nov 03, 2015 ยท 240 posts

Zev0 posted Mon, 16 November 2015 at 11:43 AM

First of all your example lacks the eye for fine detail. Your pupils are way to big compared to the photo reference. Your nose isn't even the same. Neither is the ears. Neither is the center gap of the lips. Neither is the teeth. If you cannot pick up on simple things like that, you will never be able to mimic a realistic face structure. HD won't help you in this regard if the basics are overlooked, basics that can be resolved without HD. Now can we drop this argument please? This thread discussion is between Genesis and new Poser figures. Want to talk about hyper realism, start a new thread. Thanks.

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