Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: New competition figure Sneak previews - SM

Razor42 opened this issue on Nov 03, 2015 ยท 240 posts

Razor42 posted Mon, 16 November 2015 at 6:30 PM

qaz posted at 11:04AM Tue, 17 November 2015 - #4238929

Zev0 posted at 11:55AM Mon, 16 November 2015 - #4238925

First of all your example lacks the eye for fine detail. Your pupils are way to big compared to the photo reference. Your nose isn't even the same. Neither is the ears. Neither is the center gap of the lips. Neither is the teeth. If you cannot pick up on simple things like that, you will never be able to mimic a realistic face structure. HD won't help you in this regard if the basics are overlooked, basics that can be resolved without HD. Now can we drop this argument please? This thread discussion is between Genesis and new Poser figures. Want to talk about hyper realism, start a new thread. Thanks.

I was in a rush to try it out. Don't disagree on your comments re details. Again put up or shut up. Either show me you can do better with V7 or go away. You are just hot air. And I am on topic. The point I was making was that all the figures have issues. The question is whether Low res figures such as V7 and indeed the new Pauline by all accounts have problems in this area. As far as criticizing my eye for detail - I've seen your products and all I can say is "People in glass houses ....."

Qaz, what are you asking for? If you have some kind of personal point you need to make, then do so. But so far I can't make out what that point is exactly. Strangely the only people who think V7 has no advantages over V4 are the people still using V4. The best use for HD is not creating skin pores or imperfection unless you like super dense meshes that bring the average system to it's knees. It would be the equivalent of using mesh to define the threads in clothing. I would hardly describe G3F or Pauline as low res meshes anyway. You're coming across as an ardent Poser user who has been listening to all of the people talking down G3F and taking their criticism at face value without looking at the other side or the actual people who use and love the figures. If everything you're saying is true let me ask why do you think G3F has had one of the highest take up rates for a figure from both customers and vendors in this segment.

You want to see variation in the G3F/V7 mesh try some of these: Example 01 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 Example 8 Example 9 and there are 100s more.