Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Question for the Render Guru's here

rokket opened this issue on Jul 26, 2015 ยท 1225 posts

rokket posted Sun, 14 February 2016 at 7:45 AM

I haven't tried to rig it yet. Right now it's a dynamic cloth model. It's the fact that it's two separate pieces,and they come apart when I run the simulation. I have to figure out how to model it as a single piece that looks like two separate pieces. I thought I had it, but it didn't work quite right. I'll get it.

I was thinking hybrid, rig the top and leave the hanging parts as a dynamic cloth. I haven't tried that yet because I am remapping the shoes for a better look. Right now they are split in half and don't look quite right. I know how I am going to map it, I just have to get to it.

If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.