Forum: Bryce

Subject: To Bryce and Hexagon Users

Grey_cat opened this issue on Aug 09, 2015 ยท 36 posts

beelzebulb posted Tue, 01 March 2016 at 10:20 AM

Maybe you two can stop your mine is bigger than yours argument since it seems to be my stuff that is part of this childish almost argument/disagreement. I would like to make a comment to firstly Terminus; I can find absolutely nothing on your profile no gallery no stats nothing. That puts you in the troll class as far as I am concerned. Maybe you used to have a gallery or history of some sort but if so it seems you may have left for whatever reasons you had but it doesn't change my opinion. Now I actually am smart enough Mr. Driscoll to know that you will never see Bryce work in a movie because of its limitations but you should realize that not all of us aspire to make movie pictures but rather prefer just to make pictures and if it gives others who view them pleasure that is the icing on the cake. I don't dis others work or try to infer that in some way they are "cheating" somehow to cover mistakes made in their renders such as your continuous reference to postwork in my pictures. You claim to be able to tell which programs I have used to do so right down to which programs the models are made in. I decided to look at your stuff also but found nothing of interest on your gallery to comment on:) I will state emphatically the reason I have no comment on your stuff is because I don't use the programs you do although I do have Vue10 Xtreme which to be honest does not suit the type of colors or lighting I prefer in my work so I use it now mostly for conversion purposes if I purchase or find a Vue model I really like. I have been a member here for a bit of time also (actually long before it was Rendorosity and definitely long before Tim took over the original site with most of the members who have been here longest (and there are still a few of us around). Lastly I will tell you I use very little postwork in my pictures and contrary to what you "perceive" and can see is mostly knowing Bryce from the time it was a dos program with no fancy GUI which makes it much easier now and I learned through trial and error how to wring the most out of the program and usually get the effects I wish for. Horo and Bryster are two others who can also do so with the program to name just a few. Now don't mis-understand me I am not putting you down for your comments about my stuff since everyone is entitled to their opinion of what they like or prefer and that is what makes digital art and this hobby so great but a person should always make sure of their understanding of the program and its capabilities before semi- criticizing others stuff. And as a by-note the end results justify the means used to get there including postwork etc. which believe me are also used by the people who use programs like Max C4D Maya and so on. If you don't believe me go to some of the sites where there are tutorials which teach others how to get certain effects in their renders I also have these programs and use them and the tutorials that I find there). Try 3DTotal and see how many there are and you may be surprised at the number of them. Also see if by your acute observation "powers" which pictures on their site are mine(under a different user name than here so I don't get hacked for posting stuff here since to most there they think Renderosity is a wasteland of no talent) Be well and continue enjoying this fantastic hobby. Beelzebulb