Forum: MarketPlace Customers

Subject: DM's Rituals Not Showing as Purchased ... But I own it.

Byrdie opened this issue on Sep 15, 2016 ยท 7 posts

Byrdie posted Thu, 15 September 2016 at 6:51 PM

Yeah, that's what I thought. PoserPros did have a few of their sets that they bought out as PoserPros/ProClub Originals: Audience Hall, Roman Court, Spring Patio and Shrine Of Doom were the ones I bought from there between 2004-2006 according to my saved purchase history on the backup disc I found. So I have those zips all saved in a couple places now since I can't reset any downloads from there should I need to reinstall.

The more I think about it, the more certain I am you're right about it being from a Buy One Get One whenever I bought "Chronicles". Never knew those sorta things didn't go in my order history, though. Any idea if it's been updated or is it the same as from 9 years ago? Still looks pretty good in Poser Pro 2014 but I haven't tried it with P11. If there are SuperFly shaders added I might buy it again before the sale ends.