Forum: Bryce

Subject: Bryce 5 Review

Flywaver opened this issue on Oct 10, 2001 ยท 22 posts

jval posted Sat, 13 October 2001 at 10:01 AM

Call me easily satisified but I didn't think this review was all that bad. It is easy to fault a review when you adopt the perspective of a long time user who is intimately familiar with the software. Perhaps these things should be called "impressions" rather than reviews. Face it, it takes more than a few weeks of use to prepare a truly in depth review. On that basis it is unlikely that a reviewer could write more than one or two comprehensive reviews a year. One should also consider that reviews are not intended for those who already know the program. They are for those who know little about it and want a simple taste of what to expect. At this level I think Flywaver succeeded. Call it "product evaluation light"- less satisfying but fewer calories. If I had never used Bryce this review would have been sufficient to tempt me to try the demo. Then I could begin my own review based on my own expectations. In the end, isn't that the only review that really counts? One thing I was glad to see was the implication that Vue and Bryce render speeds are similar. I keep reading how much faster Vue is than Bryce. This is certainly true when using the render defaults. But the Vue results appear inferior to Bryce's to these eyes. I can adjust Vue's settings to approach something akin to Bryce renders but then the render speed becomes quite comparable to Bryce's. (But what do I know? People still keep telling me Vue is faster...) I read reviews the way I read newspaper and magazine articles. Take a little from this one, a little from that one and eventually I begin to get the real picture. Reviews at best are only sufficient to pique your interest. When that has been accomplished it is up to the reader to engage further research. The best Bryce review I have ever read is Susan Kitchen's real World Bryce. However, that review cost me $80... ps. Certainly it is true that Bryce does far more than landscapes, something I rarely do. On the other hand, I'm not sure that the reviewer can be completely faulted for treating it as a landscape generator when that is the way its various publishers have always treated it too.