Forum: Carrara

Subject: not looking to replace my Carrara any time soon

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on May 10, 2017 ยท 31 posts

cjd posted Sat, 13 May 2017 at 6:10 PM

Steve K. posted at 6:02PM Sat, 13 May 2017 - #4305140

No, 8 cores, but its a couple of years old so I'm thinking about an upgrade.

The new AMD with 8 cores and hyperthreading seems hard to beat for the price. But its new architecture, so I feel a bit cautious. I have an 6yr old, 6 core i7 and 3.2Ghz and have been looking at some new 4 core i7s for comparison since the 6 core seems to have been dropped? I thought an 8 core was just out of my price range until this AMD model came along.