I guess I'm not very good at explaining things so I've included an illustration. Refering to the illustration: The thumbnail insets are what I get when I try the method you discribe. In the top Left is the way the dress is suppose to look. If I turn off all transparancey I could save the dress and get a full thumbnail but it will look like the dress below which doesn't resemble the actual one much at all. If I leave the tranparancy set so the dress renders properly I get transparent thumbnails. I really do appreciate all the work everyone's put in to trying to help with this. Scott's solution works famously as does Ed's (author of the RSRConverter utility). I'm sorry if I've missled people into believing the problem is different than it is. I really do appreciate the time and efort you and other's have put into this. The problem is resloved now. Thank you all again, -bc-