Forum: Blender

Subject: HDRi Contrast problem

Robo2010 opened this issue on Jan 01, 2019 ยท 6 posts

incantrix posted Wed, 02 January 2019 at 10:02 AM

Hi Robo2010 Tried with quite a few different hdri/exr etc and could not reproduce what you are getting. The only issues I have had is with blurring and focus on lower res images. I'm using a build that's about 3 or 4 days old. I do sometimes when not in the camera view get a washed out hdri background in eevee but by rotating with the middle mouse it corrects itself. What happens if you load the image into a blank scene with just the default cube in it? Are you in camera view? Not that it would make a difference. And where did you get the image from?
