Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser Has a New Base Figure!!

stallion opened this issue on Jan 29, 2019 ยท 1258 posts

xocxoc posted Thu, 14 February 2019 at 5:32 AM

bantha posted at 4:55AM Thu, 14 February 2019 - #4346034

I've read about it at the SM Forum, IIRC. I think it was here as well.

The Prefitter is a figure with fitting Morphs for several figures. You load your garment into the Scene, conform it to the Prefitter and copy the fitting Morphs to your garment. You unparent the garment and have a fitting Morph for the figures you selected in it. Without parenting, you dial in the Morph in the otherwhise zeroed garment and it will mostly fit your zeroed target figure. After that you can use the Fitting Room to make it conforming.

This work better than fitting with the fitting room, because the Morphs in the Prefitter are created with Marvellous Designer's Cloth Simulation. It does not move the Cloth like the figure would move but rather how a garment on the figure would move. The results aren't perfect, but way better than with the fitting room. Usually some strokes with the Morph brush are needed to correct the garment where the Transformation isn't perfect - you do that before the fitting room.

I do have ZBrush, I used to refit my clothes with that, but the Prefitter saves me a lot of time to get the clothes 90% correct. For me it's wll worth the Money.

Link to the Prefitter

Link to the Extension for La Femme

I gave this a shot. Wow, the documentation is bad. Better steps:

  1. Load Donor, La Femme, and V4 clothing item. Prep La Femme by adding BK body morphs, and removing IK, and zeroing the figure. Prep donor by adding la femme injection.
  2. Conform V4 clothing to donor then Go into Hip on the clothing figure and set trans-x = 0.005, trans-y = 0.172, and trans-z = 0.400. Obviously a flaw in the donor origin settings.
  3. Copy the La Femme morph to the clothing, and set it to 1. Make the Donor figure invisible, and the clothing item will look like it is being worn by La Femme.
  4. Use any morph built into the clothing to get rid of poke throughs as best you can.
  5. Now go to the fitting room and fit the clothing item to the La Femme figure not the donor. Ultimately, I usually have to do some fitting, to rid of pokes and tighten loose spots. Iterations 10 and poke through margin 0.0020 usually works if you did step 4 right. More iterations will cause the dreaded suction effect.
  6. Create the figure and copy the morphs from the original clothing figure as documented. Then save the created figure in the La Femme folder under characters.

Here is 3DAge's Honey IV outfit applied to La Femme using this technique. The edges are less smooth than I would like after a simple pose, but I can use the BK morph sliders, and the clothing will adjust with them just like a native conforming cloth.
