Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Renderosity Acquires Poser Software

jennblake opened this issue on Jun 20, 2019 ยท 654 posts

LaurieA posted Fri, 21 June 2019 at 5:59 PM

sloan posted at 6:54PM Fri, 21 June 2019 - #4354006

This probably ain't gonna be a popular suggestion either, but Poser needs a better render engine. Right now poser don't take advantage of me processors as it should.

It'd be cool if Poser adopted IRAY which is a much better engine than Cycles/Superfly. It'd also allow all materials across da two big softwares to be usable in both. Then Posers lighting needs addressed. Then onto some decent base figures. If you can't get great renders and great lighting outta yur software, great figures are relatively worthless since rendering good stuff is massively dependent on those 2 things.

Interesting to see what happens.

Cycles is a good render engine. It's just the implementation in Poser that's off ;). If they would just plop Cycles in there, all the nodes and all, it would be better. But there's a lot of stuff in Poser that needs to be addressed. I hope they're prepared for what's ahead :). Will be watching. I would like to see them make it so that Poser can use Genesis figures of course, but I'm not going to hold my breath over it. It would be in their best interest tho, as a brokerage who sells for both pieces of software, to do so, but we'll wait and see. Even as a DS user now I'm not convinced that Iray is the better render engine. It's just that Daz made Iray easy to use in DS and SM made Cycles harder to use in Poser (that darn material system...but that's an argument for another
