Forum: Freestuff

Subject: Darth J's WIP and Freebies (Take 2)

DarthJ opened this issue on Dec 15, 2010 ยท 635 posts

SamTherapy posted Sun, 18 August 2019 at 7:16 PM

She needs some factor 50 on her norks; sunburnt nipples are no fun.

BTW, I already have Miki 2, plus most of Koz's hair, and I may even have the RDNA and Posermatic stuff. I bought tons of things over the years and haven't installed everything since I transferred over to this machine. What with all the bought stuff, free stuff and my own creations, I have around 200 DVDs. Hopefully, some of them will still work. :D

If all else fails, I could try to get a similar look from Miki 1 or 4. I live in hope. Well, I don't really; I live in Wath. Hope is a few miles away.

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

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