Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Does Rendo's Poser 11.2 Allow working offline?

consumer573 opened this issue on Oct 11, 2019 ยท 139 posts

gate posted Sat, 30 November 2019 at 5:06 AM

After some conversations with Smith micro it all resulted with simple answers that make no sense . when you wish having a Justification or insist having your Previous Purchased Versions active they repeat that Bondware is in charge ( This gives the answer that they sold the Customer's Info and Personal Serials )

It is the type of system the Chinese use un there Fraud sites when you buy something and do not get what you ordered, very difficult to get them and not worth it. after a conversation with my cousin I was told that the only way in such cases is not to make future Investments in doubtful product-lines !

For Creators this situation is really a Pain, you start to depend on a system that can be shut down from one day to another .... All these Vendors , all these artists all these Sites that make Publicity and support Poser , If Poser ever gets an Issue with the call home like we seen now with Poser Game Dew and Poser 11.1 it could be shut and pull in all these above mentioned supporters ! not to mention all the customers that Invested by buying 3D models for it. Bondware has now full controll over all these and can just do as they wish ( They did not only buy the Program ) they bought every creator every artist that uses that Program.

There might be allot who say ( Great Rendo got Poser and will support it ) but if one morning you will get the same notification like the one from Smith Micro " Grace Period Over " this will mean " Game Over " will you then as silent as you accepted the new facts accept these and say " Oh well all my Investments went down the Drain "

they now can tell you from one day to another " Pay every month a Fee else you will not be able to use what you Purchased " most would as it is a great fear that they cant Access all the have collected.

I know all this has no weight in here and does not change the facts or the future, at least I could write my worries about this Kill switch system and doubtful future for Poser. Good Programmers might be of help to get rid of that call home for the ones who wish having there old versions running Smith Micro is not willing to do so either is Bondware.

I started to Install some other Programs also DS having a closer look at them to see if it would be a better alternative also see if there Communities are more reasonable. From my side I will not be supporting any future Poser versions that have that call home feature and Feed that Industry so if Rendo Plans to keep that system on future releases I just will not get these just as I did not Update to Poser 11.2