Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser 12 Internet Access

Retrowave opened this issue on Dec 23, 2019 ยท 268 posts

randym77 posted Tue, 24 December 2019 at 8:45 AM

hornet3d posted at 8:31AM Tue, 24 December 2019 - #4374283

e-on changed their payment model with the rebirth and is now subscription only, either on a monthly or annual basis. They had a subscription before which included any upgrade, if you cancelled you lost the right to the upgrade but you still had access to the program up to the latest update. Sadly that is not the case with the current subscription model.

Yeah, I know. I love Vue, but I'm not subscribing. They were kind enough to give apparently permanent access to the last version you bought before they went subscription. That's what I'm using. I suppose there could be trouble if Poser updates and scenes no longer import into Vue, but for now, Vue 2016 is working fine for me.

It's just too expensive for the amount I use it. I do subscribe to Photoshop, but it's $9.99/month. Vue, for the cheapest version, is twice that, and I don't use Vue nearly as much as I use Photoshop.

I suppose subscription could be an advantage if you're willing to subscribe for just one month when you need it, then cancel. Especially if you're a big corporation that needs a lot of licenses. But that's such a hassle for an individual user.

If Poser goes subscription, I hope they'll at least do what e-On did, and let people use the last version they bought forever.