Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser Apple future Mac OS compatibility

DalekSupreme opened this issue on Aug 02, 2019 ยท 55 posts

shante posted Sun, 02 February 2020 at 8:58 PM

wolf359 posted at 8:50PM Sun, 02 February 2020 - #4378714

ssgbryan posted at 5:34PM Sun, 02 February 2020 - #4378604

Apple has been warning the Apple community for a couple of years now about 32-bit support going the way of 16-bit support, so this shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone. Apple has ALWAYS been like this, it isn't something that Timmy cooked up.

I would suggest that you plan a transition away from Apple. If you need any help, let us know. In my case, it was a great 20 years, but It Just Works means Windows 10, not OSX.

Ryzen is a whole new ballgame.

Apple has long ago become a luxury brand for affluent consumers. not a product for us hobbiest 3D/CG artist and certainly not for industry professionals

No hard feelings.

They are one of the great American business Success stories I wish them well

All of the really interesting tools for 3D/CG artists are on windows now especially for us animators /VFX artists. who wnat to use realtime engines and many that I am migrating too are Free.

( Blender 2.81 , Davinci Resolve, Natron).

I have two windows PC's ,two android phones and an android base tablet and an old 13 year old intel mac still rendering my final mac based animation project.

The future is looking good for independant artists/hobbiests with Limited budgets.?

No offense taken dude. Hope you are well! But you know me man and therefore how I feel about having to tackle those learning curves. If I was bad or found it difficult back what seems like a lifetime ago friend, I am far worse off now. I just can't do it any more. It frustrates me and causes me much unneeded stress but I have to stick to same old same old just to create some stupid little picture you very much know I haven't called "ART" for a very long time. I just want to sit quietly and focus on doing my thing w/o hassle. Can't o that if trying to learn something new just to do the image let alone constantly dealing with all the damn tech stuff. Creating my images was a two fold affair.

  1. Escape and sublimation
  2. Mindless relaxation. Reinvesting in Windows and apps and content I will need to run it is not an option. Too invested in Mac run apps. to movr to another platform yet no longer happy about spending any more on Macs either. Like standing in a doorway with one leg in one room and the other in another room being unable to decide one room over the other.