Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Interactive Superfly?

Retrowave opened this issue on Mar 05, 2020 ยท 25 posts

TwoCatsYelling posted Sun, 15 March 2020 at 8:00 AM

I was checking out ProRender on my system and it was extremely unstable. Froze up my system, crashed the video driver - running current drivers on a 1660., so not an old model, either. Had to hard-reboot my system several times just while trying to render with it.

AMD makes great hardware. I love their CPUs, and their GPUs seem fine, if a bit power-hungry. But they seem to have a problem with reliability on the software end, especially drivers. It seems spotty at best based on a variety of reports I've read here and elsewhere.

Meanwhile, I've never had a problem with Cycles, IRay, or anything else NVidia related. Across multiple system configs and video cards (all NVidia).

Now, if Cycles were to add solid AMD support, that would be great. Let it be completely hardware agnostic.

Retrowave posted at 7:53AM Sun, 15 March 2020 - #4382638

@Nagra - Sorry, missed your post. Pro Render is designed to run on Linux, MacOS, and Windows, supports GPU rendering on all platforms, and does so with AMD, nVidia, and even Intel graphics. Regards Bondware giving Firefly GPU acceleration through OpenCL, that is exactly what I wish they would do, cause I like the artistic freedom and control Firefly gives, in ways that Superfly does not. With Bagginsbill's Parameter Modulation technique built in, Firefly would effectively become a hybrid renderer, or at least that's the way I see it since he was getting results every bit as impressive as a dedicated PBR renderer.

Here's a PBR render Baggins made in Firefly using his Parameter Modulation technique, so just imagine this technique built-in to Firefly, and GPU-accelerated: