Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Coming home to Poser

IMP3D opened this issue on Jun 28, 2020 ยท 68 posts

FVerbaas posted Sat, 25 July 2020 at 5:45 AM Forum Coordinator

The key problem with LHomme for me is the exaggerated musculature burned into the shape. It will print through in any weightmap copy and morph copy. This is why I did quit the development of a Prefitter for LH. Whatever you copy from him comes out as a mess and needs excessive work to correct it and sale revenue does not exactly pay that bill. There are morphs that smoothen the shape a bit, but that does not affect the weightmaps.

One would need a donor that is a total remake of the figure to 'garment' shape, so all 'spandaxed', with correct weightmaps.

Hiding body parts not allowed is crap. There is no more need for any body parts inside an opaque garment than there is for underwear under jeans. One even wonders why have the burden of a complete figure definition in the scene if the only thing visible is face and hands. Just have those as conformers to the garment figure. What is not there cannot poke thru either.

Intermediate solution is providing a transmap for the intended conformee figure to make the parts of the body inside the clothing transparent. A stack of those transmaps would leave exactly that part of the figure visible that you actually can see.