Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: DAZ Bridges (3ds/Maya/C4D/Blender) are DC or DIM only

Sarsifas opened this issue on Aug 07, 2020 ยท 15 posts

wolf359 posted Sun, 09 August 2020 at 6:37 PM

The customer service rep who emailed me was very nice and professional, but her answer sounds like total bullshit to me. Sure, the new bridges are processing more data than the previous import/export functions, but it seems to me to be more of a difference of degree rather than of kind. For 99.9 to whatever nth degree of users, all of the information that's going to be exported out is going to be located exactly where it needs to be, and >arranged exactly as it needs to be.

Actually that Daz rep was being truthful with you.

Something you must understand about those "bridges" which are not actually bridges but unidirectional Genesis 3/8 Data dumps that result in largly unusable 6-19 Gigabyte Character files over in Blender ,C4D etc.

The Daz genesis figures are highly dependant on Massive amounts of Data being streamed in near realtime from your Massive Data folder, for all of their Corrective and HD morphs to function in the Daz studio viewport.

During a standard FBX export all of that crucial data gets left behind making the mighty Genesis like some poor Startrek TNG holodeck Character who loses his physical intergrity a soon as he tries to step out into the ships cooridoor.?

Sure with Standard FBX you get a rigged weighted FBX figure over Maya, Max Blender etc. but nothing truly distiguishable from any native Maya, Max Blender rig perhaps even less so.

This is the EXACT reason why NO MAJOR ANIMATION STUDIO will ever use the Daz genesis models in a TV or film production.?

Because to get thier full functionalty(like HD morphs) you have to work in Kiddie pool software that does not even have a real Ik system for character animation.?

SO Daz has decided to dump as much of the Data as possible into the "bridge" exporter which will technically emulate the Look of DAZ JCM's and HD morphs, in the other program, as they are accompanied by several gigs of Morph data that used to reside unobtrusively in your local Data folder.

It does not even export animation Data so all of your DAZ Animate2 ,mimic lip sych Data is left behind as well. ?

SO indeed Daz's highly prized HD morph system may be more easily reverse engineered if you have a stand alone installer hence the cryptic reference to "processing more Data"

The so called Blender "bridge" was not even developed by Daz, they bought and rebranded it from some guy who was trying to sell it to the pro 3DCC community on Gumroad.

They claim it is "open source" which I suspect is typical duplicitous "Dazspeak" for; "we will crowd source bug fixes and any theoretical updates"

Not sure how "open" the source is when you can not have a stand alone installer that you can archive & share as you can with Blender installers.

I personally dont care As I have left the Daz eco system entirely For Reallusion Iclone and CC3 Pipeline where We have rational exporters to Maya,Max Blender and C4D as well as the major game engines. ?

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