Forum: Poser 12

Subject: Principled BSDF - some examples

caisson opened this issue on Nov 14, 2020 · 125 posts

caisson posted Wed, 18 November 2020 at 5:21 PM

Quick example of setting up a texture set exported from Substance Painter. When the maps are plugged in they override the settings on the chips, which disappear. Make sure normal maps are in 8 bit not 16 bit format. These should be run through a Cycles - Vector - NormalMap node, and the Space set to tangent in order to work correctly.

This is the first HDR render I’ve done in years, so I won’t go into details as my understanding is woeful. The map is one that ships with SP, and I used transparent background in the render settings, then composited the grey background in Photoshop - and as I was there, ran a Curves adjustment and unsharp mask too.




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