Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: HiveWire Closing Down

arrow1 opened this issue on Dec 01, 2020 ยท 51 posts

EClark1894 posted Wed, 02 December 2020 at 12:38 PM

Penguinisto posted at 12:36PM Wed, 02 December 2020 - #4406212

EClark1894 posted at 12:01PM Wed, 02 December 2020 - #4406196

Chris Creek, over at Hivewire is currently making a version 2 of the Dawn and Dusk figures.


I wonder if he just got sick of running a store and wanted to spend more time on the mesh. Running a business is pure drudgery (the reason DAZ ran so spectacularly back in the day is that Chris curated and led development of the products (read: Vicky and Mike), while Dan did the books and marketing - they worked amazingly well together). If that's the reason, I don't blame him at all.

I do wonder at the longevity of Dawn/Dusk though. Nobody in DS uses it that I'm aware of.

You may not be aware of it, but they are. Check out the Hivewire forum. You'll often see their renders.