Forum: Poser 12

Subject: Morph Transfer Algorithm

unrealblue opened this issue on Feb 08, 2021 ยท 13 posts

RobZhena posted Tue, 23 February 2021 at 3:13 PM

I'm still using Poser 11 because of the Python issue. You are doubtless aiming for a greater degree of precision than I find necessary in morph transfers, but just for the record, as they say. I routinely transfer morphs from, for example, the V4 Morphing Fantasy Dress, to dresses I rig for La Femme using, say, a dress made for Genesis 3 female. Generally speaking, the most useful ones, such as hem length and movement, work just fine. I do the same for clothes I rig for other figures. A lot of morphs seem to guess pretty well what vertices they are supposed to move and how when they copy. I did a tutorial in the Poser Official Forum on how it works, and how you adjust the rigging for skirts of different lengths.