Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: DAZ Studio 5 coming

WendyLuvsCatz opened this issue on Jul 08, 2021 ยท 39 posts

JasonGalterio posted Thu, 19 August 2021 at 11:03 AM

I could go on for hours with my issues, but I won't. I am just going to hit the high points, since I am not allowed to talk about them over in the DS forums.

...I had the typical sales malfunction and did everything I would normally do. Proceeded with the purchase, taking screen shots all along the way. Finished the purchase and opened a ticket to get the difference credited back. The response I received from Sales Support was "No, sorry. The correct price will always be the price shown in your cart. Errors are always an issue with the catalog being wrong. The cart is always right. This is the new policy."

...At which point I am stuck. I'm not allowed to talk about it in the Forum and there is no way to escalate the situation. So I am stuck arguing with one person.

...I go out on a limb and post a cryptic forum message saying "be careful about relying on old assumptions." I am questioned about it by one of the mods (probably as a preamble to being reprimanded). Privately I send a message explaining what happened. I get a response back that "He will investigate and get back to me." I should add that he requested that I give him more detail so that he could straighten it out. I didn't solicit him for help.

...While I am typing the above to the mod, I get a message back from Sales support. He's going to do me a favor a process the difference this time. But he makes it a point to say that he doesn't have to. And that I shouldn't expect the same result in the future.

...I never receive a follow up response from the mod I took the time to explain the situation to. Not even when I inquire. So I have no idea whether that "new sales policy" was a thing or if the Sales rep was just making things up. This is particularly galling as he was the one that volunteered to look into it. And he is the one that requested I provide him with the ticket, the text, and the screen shots. Big waste of time.

End result. I don't buy much there anymore.

...I have 50+ products that have errors in their archive files. The corrupted archives are present regardless of whether I download the files through DIM or manually through the website. I've had a ticket open for months now where support is "going to investigate" but hasn't done a thing.

...I have 12+ products that I can't download through DIM at all. They just won't appear. I can manually download them, so they are active in my account. Again, I have a ticket open for months where support is "investigating but can't figure out."

...I have 6+ G8F products that can't be used at the same time because they have the same filenames on their geometry files, resulting in cross talk dials and / or auto dialed in features when these products are installed. I opened a ticket listing which products had issues. Support was looking into these. Never resolved them. Then closed the ticket with no notification / resolution.

Those are just the issues I have that are affecting other customers too. I haven't even talked about not receiving the emails for the Season Pass events I paid for, overzealous mods that banned me then had to apologize for being wrong (which I found a way to escalate the issue), etc. etc.