Forum: Community Center

Subject: Attention Previous Hivewire3D Members!

ShaniaB opened this issue on Oct 21, 2021 ยท 192 posts

ShaniaB posted Fri, 05 November 2021 at 1:09 PM

For those worried about not getting a reply to having sent in your information.

Replying to everyone confirming that we did in fact receive your details, would be time spent away from actually getting your products gifted to you amidst all the other daily projects we have to complete. I'm sorry for causing you worry, but I promise that I am working on this constantly until I get through the entire list of members we have on record.

Once we have all of the members products gifted on our list, if you have NOT been given your products by that point, then we'll have to create a separate list of members that I will need to message Hivewire3D representatives about and retrieve your list of purchases. 

I will let everyone know via this thread when the gifting process has been completed :-)


For those that have not received all of their items. There are products that did not make it through our porting system, so those products no longer exist in our store for me to be able to gift those items back to you. I'm sorry :-(

However, if you have record of those missing purchases, PLEASE send me a sitemail to send those records to me. Regardless of if we have the item or not, I would like to double check our system with your receipts/ orders and make sure that I get every item possible gifted back to you. 


Again I'd like to thank everyone for being as patient as you all have been while I get through the list of members and products. It's truly appreciated while I complete this process :-)

Kind Regards,

ShaniaB. -  Assistant Marketplace Manager