Forum: Community Center

Subject: Attention Previous Hivewire3D Members!

ShaniaB opened this issue on Oct 21, 2021 · 192 posts

Alisa posted Sun, 21 November 2021 at 9:54 AM

Yes, Larry - IF they are products that our Contributing Artist brought over to Renderosity, they can be put in your account.  I'll repost my post at HiveWire's forum (in our "Meadow" about Transfer of Customer purchases.

NOTE - if someone already sent Renderosity an email, DO NOT send another, please.  Wait til they tell us that they have finished the process, and THEN, if you have not gotten products put in as gifts at Renderosity, write to them again.

Here is the post I have over at HiveWire:

Hi, everyone -

Renderosity is getting ready to be able to put products that you bought at HiveWire (those which are being sold at Renderosity) into your Renderosity accounts.

They've been working very hard to get products in the store first, and they are not quite there yet.

PLEASE BE PATIENT - this is not going to happen overnight :)

Here is what YOU need to do for that to happen:

First, be sure you have an account at Renderosity. If not, you will need to create one.

You will need to know and fill out the name/member-user name/email information in the email template below. Your HiveWire information will be on any invoices you have printed or any emails you've gotten confirming purchases.

NOTE: DO NOT SEND YOUR HIVEWIRE USER NAME - those are only for the forums, not the store. Please use the name you had at the store :)

Send an email to

HiveWire Purchases

BODY (You can just copy and paste this, then add YOUR information as noted)

Hi - I would like my purchases from HiveWire 3D which are now being sold at Renderosity to be put in my Renderosity account.

My full name used at HiveWire's Store:
My email address used at HiveWire Store:

My member/user name at Renderosity:
My email address used at Renderosity:

Thank you very much!


RETIRED HiveWire 3D QAV Director