Forum: Community Center

Subject: Attention Previous Hivewire3D Members!

ShaniaB opened this issue on Oct 21, 2021 ยท 192 posts

RAMWorks posted Tue, 30 November 2021 at 3:45 PM

WOW!  I now have almost 200 "gifts" sent to me from the Renderosity system!  YIKES!  I hope those just show up as purchases from here on out.  Wondering MUST I download them to have the gift registered to my account or it's done and I can leave it be?  I have all I need from the vaults of HiveWire so ... If I must I will but if I don't need to redownload I'll leave it alone! 

Thanks so much for all the effort that went into this huge undertaking!

Richard :grin:

---Wolff On The Prowl---

My Store is HERE

My Freebies are HERE