Forum: Community Center

Subject: Attention Previous Hivewire3D Members!

ShaniaB opened this issue on Oct 21, 2021 ยท 192 posts

bwaomega posted Fri, 03 December 2021 at 2:26 AM

So, there has been mention that some products were not brought through. One thing that I have noticed is that a non-trivial number of Ken's birds from my Hivewire purchases have not been gifted. I also noticed that most of the missing items were either DAZ purchases that were transferred to Hivewire, or were items that I purchased through various Stacks (term that Hivewire used for Bundles). I am wondering if that might have been an issue for both of us, as the Stacks themselves are not part of Ken's catalog here. I do suggest patience. At least with items purchased through DAZ you should be able to get receipts for those purchases. I'm just waiting for the all finished signal before sending those receipts, and images of the downloads available in my Hivewire account just before the store was taken completely off-line, which might helpsort the Stack situation.

And my post gets separated from the one I was responding to by a page break....