Forum: Community Center

Subject: Attention Previous Hivewire3D Members!

ShaniaB opened this issue on Oct 21, 2021 ยท 192 posts

Sunfire posted Mon, 28 February 2022 at 9:07 PM

DaWaterRat posted at 8:44 PM Mon, 28 February 2022 - #4435314

Hey, I know this is still in progress, but I thought I'd sent an e-mail way back when this started, and then I had a period where I didn't have a computer powerful enough to do renders so I didn't worry about it.  Now I do and I'm in the process of redownloading things and getting reorganized.

The problem is that I switched e-mails right around when Hivewire shut down, and I don't remember if I'd switched Hivewire over to the new e-mail account or not.  As the store is now closed (and has been for over a year), I can't go check my account to see which e-mail I used.

I have no problem with sending another e-mail, but I just don't know how to approach it when I don't know which e-mail was connected to my account.

I would suggest giving them both email addresses. That way your bases are covered.

Sunfire's Creations