Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: How to get SkySphere to Work

APlusDesign opened this issue on Jun 27, 2022 ยท 20 posts

APlusDesign posted Wed, 06 July 2022 at 9:51 AM

RedPhantom posted at 5:14 PM Sat, 2 July 2022 - #4440662

You stated that you "zoomed out" the camera. That's not the same as changing the yon. The yon sets how far in the distance the camera can "see". Of your yon is set for 10 feet, no matter where you put your camera, it will only show things within 10 feet of it. It looks like there's a max of 100000.000 native poser units. I put in way more zeros than that and it reverted to that.

Here's where you find the yon in case your eyes work like mine and look everywhere but where something is even if it's right in front of me.

Another thing you can try is to shrink the skysphere to something just before the camera and see if it shows in renders. That should tell us if it is the camera or the sky.

Oh snap, I just thought you made a typo! I had no idea yon was actually a thing.

And adjusting the yon worked! I'm in tears with happiness!

Thank you and everyone else for so much help into this! This is now working for me and I've learned quite a few new things about poser!

My latest test (proving adjusting the yon was what I needed :) )