Forum: Poser 11 / Poser Pro 11 OFFICIAL Technical

Subject: Is anyone using Bagginsbill's matmatic/loom with Poser 11?

odf opened this issue on Dec 12, 2022 ยท 12 posts

odf posted Mon, 12 December 2022 at 3:59 PM

bagginsbill posted at 12:34 PM Mon, 12 December 2022 - #4451545

I'm hooked up for P12 (thanks Jenn!). 

Exciting news!

@hborre - The loom is best used to create a pattern from nothing (which is expensive and complicated), and then render/capture that pattern as a tiling texture image, which you can do right from Poser. Thereafter you just use the image.

That makes me wonder how much effort it would be to bypass Poser and generate the texture image directly. Just hypothetically.

-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.