Forum: Poser 11 / Poser Pro 11 OFFICIAL Technical

Subject: Python Scripts

rokket opened this issue on Dec 30, 2022 ยท 28 posts

hborre posted Fri, 30 December 2022 at 11:39 AM

feecozen posted at 11:26 AM Fri, 30 December 2022 - #4452749

BTW, when I add a new script, I copy the entire Python folder to another location on my drive, since reinstalling Poser could overwrite the application's Runtime, and thus the Python folder within it, with a fresh version that wouldn't contain the scripts I've added. The copy can then be dragged into Poser's Runtime and my added scripts will be included again. Also, be aware that Poser 11 uses Python 2, but Poser 12 replaced that with Python 3, so Poser 11 scripts that haven't been upgraded won't work in Poser 12 (a main reason I'm sticking with Poser 11).

Hope this helps.

That is not true in Windows.  A Poser reinstall over an existing installation will only replace those files associated with the application.  Anything else manually installed, such as 3rd party Python Scripts, are relatively safe.