Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Finally got LaFemme2.0, and I am liking what I have

rokket opened this issue on Mar 03, 2023 ยท 35 posts

Letterworks posted Tue, 07 March 2023 at 1:27 PM

I have to say that many people have underestimated La Femme and what can be done with her. Part of that is because there isn't as much content as there is for V4, V8 etc.. Part of the reason for that was when L'Homme was introduced as a morph for La Femme the results of that created a monster to create clothing for, eventually the La Femme and L'Homme figures were separated and that helped with some of the issues. More could have been done to bring some of the newer possibility that P12 contains but it was decided not to persue those. It's a shame that the users haven;t done more experimenting as was done with the V4 and Poser at that time, but with the dangle of unimesh out there there wasn;t really a reason to put in that effort.

Now maybe some of that will come to pass. 

At any rate La Femme is a very versatile figure and deserves more interest from the power users and content creators than she's really gotten at this point.