Forum: Poser 13

Subject: My Poser 13 review is online

AcePyx opened this issue on Apr 10, 2023 ยท 140 posts

JohnDoe641 posted Thu, 20 April 2023 at 3:33 PM

parkdalegardener posted at 5:18 AM Sun, 16 April 2023 - #4462326

MazinkaiserDX posted at 4:13 PM Sat, 15 April 2023 - #4462285

First, I'd like to say I've never used Poser and I've been using Daz for 8 years, and yeah, making "adult" content. I say this so those who think that makes my opinions here moot can just ignore the rest of my somewhat lengthy post.

I read it; but will happily ignore everything else you have to say. You have never used the software and thus your post on the function of Poser, and how to use and improve it; are completely useless similar to many of the other posts in this thread. This thread does make for good entertainment each morning while I drink my morning coffee; but has no direct impact on my upgrading from P12 or switching to DAZ. I've watched these amusing threads for years but I still use Poser. Silly me.
The point of his post isn't to stop you from upgrading, he actually wants Poser to improve because competition really is what Studio needs right now. Yes I'm using Studio exclusively but before I switched over I was a dedicated Poser user having used Poser 4 - 11, I was active on this forum and both RDNA and the SM forums before they shut down, I also left the Poser ecosystem with thousands of dollars worth of content collected from 20+ years. You can take a look at my gallery here, it's not that great and I hate everything I render but I do have some stuff up dating back to 2011.

Having said that, I disagree 100% on what he said about Poser and Genesis. The solution isn't making Genesis the main Poser figure, that would never work and speaking as a former Poser user I wouldn't want that to happen anyway. I don't know what the solution is but I can tell you what my problem were and what pushed me to make the leap to Studio.

My biggest problem was content, not old content but new content for the more recent Poser figures. What really killed it for me was when Rendo took over publishing Poser from SM I thought that there'd be in influx of content for LF but there wasn't and I saw so much stuff being advertised for G3/G8 that it was overwhelming most of the time. I had to scroll ALL THE WAY down the product list to find anything for Poser native figures that aren't v4 and if I was having such a hard time getting to Poser content as a daily Poser user, I can't imagine how very casual users had the patients to find a single thing. Not only was the content hard to find the promos for the items usually weren't very good so if I did find something I might be interested in I usually was turned off to it by image three.

There's also the Poser GUI, I never cared for the big goofy playschool buttons style that followed Poser since the beginning but it's what we had and I got used to it. Later on I bought all the scripts and tools I could to replace as many elements as possible, like the Netherworks Scene Toy Pro and Cam Panel Plus that would start up when the program did so I'd never see certain Poser panels again. When I made the switch over the more modern interface of Studio was such a nice change, a bit confusing at first but I quickly figured it all out and the times I went back to Poser to do something the more I regretted opening up the program.

I also am not a big fan of LF, BH did an amazing job with her but she just isn't what I was looking for in a figure, I also think the bends are bad with wonky shoulders and at the time it was very hard to un-LaFemme LaFemme. Now, going back to my point on the heavily advertised G3/G8, they were everywhere on this site, heck G8.1 still is sitting at the top banner right now on my screen with three different products... but the promo characters looked so good and realistic, it's what I wanted to achieve and if Rendo was going to spam me with G8 products I might as well try them out. So I did and with my very first render I was more impressed with g8 than any figure I had ever rendered in Poser and that was that.

I've browsed the entire P13 gallery thread, jura made some nice architectural renders and some others posted some decent shader examples but I didn't see anything that would make me want to come back to Poser, once the figures are in the renders it all falls off very quickly for me. The version of Cycles that's in P13 should absolutely be able to rival iray in Studio, the problem is that with so many people using older content that's not designed for Cycles a render done with content from 2008 is still going to look like content from 2008 now matter how new the render engine is. If Bondware is hoping for a flow of new users it's certainly not going to get them by having renders that look like they were outdated ten years ago.

I don't hate Poser and I'm not bashing it, I'm just saying some of the reasons why I eventually left and made the switch to Studio. I'd love to come back because this was my home for a very long time and I miss seeing a lot of familiar names here, but I need a reason to start using Poser again and so far I haven't found it.