Forum: Photoshop

Subject: Painting from a projected image using photoshop

Benny56 opened this issue on Apr 23, 2023 ยท 9 posts

Wolfenshire posted Tue, 25 April 2023 at 8:14 AM Site Admin

I just re-read the op's question and was thinking maybe they meant projecting the computer image onto an external canvas. My brain didn't think about someone wanting to project the image onto an external physical painting canvas and paint with a real paintbrush. I was thinking the photoshop canvas and making the photo into a painting, and printing it out on my photo printer. I have a bunch like that of my dog framed and hanging on the wall. After all, who else could anyone ever want a picture of hanging on their wall besides their dog. Whom of which is currently lying on her back next to my desk with her paws just twitching away and dreaming of running across sun dappled meadows, possibly chasing rabbits. Oh, and now she's trying to cover her eyes and wishing I'd turn the lights off.

Anyway, I guess if you wanted to paint by hand. You'd need a computer projector, which can range from $50 to $700. Then, if you wanted to break the colors down in photoshop for easier painting, you could use the channels tab to isolate some of the colors (not really ideal, though). I think I'd just use any of several filters to block it out and bring the base colors forward, such as high pass, paint dubs, sketch, or cutout - then you could sort of paint by numbers.

Wolfenshire, Moderator/Community Leader