Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What you know now that you did not know then?

RedPhantom opened this issue on May 01, 2023 ยท 47 posts

hmatienzo posted Fri, 12 May 2023 at 9:08 AM

Afrodite-Ohki posted at 8:07 PM Sat, 6 May 2023 - #4464495

Been around since the first Poser, and honestly... Only found out like last month that you can alt+click a dial to turn it back to default/zeroed. D'uh, thanks Nerd3d for that one LMAO! Been super helpful when making stuff.

WHU--UUT???  Been Posering since ver2 and this is the first time I hear about that one!  See, learn something new every day, LOL!

L'ultima fòrza è nella morte.