Forum: The Break Room

Subject: Few questions for members of the community who once used to make 3d art.

DocMikeB opened this issue on May 17, 2023 ยท 7 posts

DocMikeB posted Wed, 17 May 2023 at 11:19 AM

4)When you started using AI you were using Poser / DAZ / other 3D applications for:

A)More than 10 years.
B)5-10 years.
C)1-5 years.
D)Less than 1 year.

5)Do you have 3d modeling skills?

A)Professional (advanced 3d modeling with applications like Blender, 3dsmax, Maya or other).
B)Hobbyist (intermediate 3d modeling / beginner learning and following tutorials).
C)Basic (creating simple scenes with props and primitives).
D)No skills.

6)If you are a beginner (B - C of previous question): did AI affect your will to learn 3D modeling and/or to improve your skills?

A)No, at all... I am still willing to learn and improve my skills with 3D like before.
B)Currently I am slightly less willing to learn and improve my skills with 3D but in the future could find again the will.
C)I am a lot less willing to learn and improve, because AI mostly replaced 3D in my pipeline.
D)I am no longer willing, AI totally replaced 3D in my pipeline.