Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser Has a New Base Figure!!

stallion opened this issue on Jan 29, 2019 ยท 1258 posts

A_Sunbeam posted Fri, 21 July 2023 at 4:27 PM

Rhia474 posted at 3:57 PM Fri, 21 July 2023 - #4470750

When a figure isn't even *released* but it's already being criticized... Dear Lord, yeah. I feel for you, Ohki!

If I could do a better job (which I can't), then I would.

I  really don't like rubbishing someone's work, but I honestly do not like what I've seen of the upgraded LF.

So I shall keep my gob shut.

Poser 12 don't work on my iMac, so P13 probbaly won't either. Which means for me, and possibly others, it's inow irrelevant anway.

Until I win the Lottery and buy a new PC...  (Ha ha...)

Looks like it there wil be no point in discussing the future of Poser on my machine ... Bye!