Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What you know now that you did not know then?

RedPhantom opened this issue on May 01, 2023 ยท 47 posts

HartyBart posted Sun, 23 July 2023 at 4:17 AM

"all these investments over the years become as so much dust"

Quite the opposite, I'd say. I had no idea that all my Poser content would become so potentially valuable, for making quick 'seed images' for Img2Img in AI image generators, so as to get exactly what I want and to keep a character's appearance stable across different images (which is vital for comics). And we're only just at the start of such things. I fully expect some sort of "Poser character basic render to Photoreal AI render" feature before long (see SDXL 0.9 etc), and hope that the Poser 13/14 devs are considering a 'plug in any AI model' plugin for Poser. All they really need to do there, I'd guess, is make the PostFX panel open to PoserPython - so any script can be run on the render at PostFX time. Including a Python-driven AI.

The other way that AI makes Poser more valuable - and this brings the thread back to its original topic - is that I had no idea that over time I'd come to have a quick 'magic background maker' (good AIs such as SDXL). Backdrops for any type of scene, over which the Poser characters can then be rendered.

Learn the Secrets of Poser 11 and Line-art Filters.