Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What you know now that you did not know then?

RedPhantom opened this issue on May 01, 2023 ยท 47 posts

Rhia474 posted Sun, 23 July 2023 at 4:06 PM


Thanks, man.

I'm a baby compared to many of you in Poserdom, started with Poser 7, and had no idea how to conform clothes or hair, but darned if I wasn't determined to do it. I got so much help and kind words from many people in the by now sadly much smaller community. Lurked on many forums for literal decades and witnessed many of the things you list above. I also see how much publicity and fanfare the other software gets on social media and I would venture 98 percent of people who laud them there doesn't even know Poser exists, while even 10 years ago it was a different percentage.

You and people like you are who keeps us, literal end users who never created content, figures, props, textures or materials but just would like to learn and play, going. Thank you and keep going!