Forum: New Poser Users Help

Subject: An Absolute Beginner At Modeling Looking For Recommendations

TheBlueSkyRanger opened this issue on Jul 24, 2023 ยท 14 posts

EVargas posted Wed, 02 August 2023 at 7:55 AM

TheBlueSkyRanger, another idea to think about:

From the image you shared it seems that the facial expressions you want are like simple 2D drawings on the character's face.

If you don't want/need a smooth transition between expressions: I believe you can achieve that with texture only, with the help of a user friendly UV layout.

POSER 12 onwards has the materials layers concept (I'm not sure how it would be done in P11 and earlier):
I imagine you could have one layer (overlay) for each expression, and then alternate between different expressions by animating the shader's root node "opacity".

In the Material Room, by clicking on a shader parameter's "key" icon (next to its value) you will have a master dial that you can use in the Pose Room (which can be renamed). This way you could show/hide a given layer (texture overlay) without leaving the Pose Room.

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