Forum: Community Center

Subject: So Much Stuff Render Contest (Unofficial - Prizes Available!)

APlusDesign opened this issue on Aug 01, 2023 ยท 18 posts

APlusDesign posted Wed, 30 August 2023 at 9:46 AM

tparo posted at 6:17 AM Wed, 30 August 2023 - #4473704

Hope I've done this right.

Having had a hard drive die on me(2 actually) I'm in the process of reinstalling everything. This image uses some of the things I've installed so far from renderosity.

On the Beach

Entry looks great, thank you for entering!

Would you be able to put the purchased products into the production credits of your image? If you hit edit and scroll down you should see this:

and then if you search items here you can add what you used from the store that were paid items so it is easier for people to find.

If you're not able to do that, then that's okay. Just makes it easier for everyone to see the items if they are in the production credits. :)

P.S. Yikes about the hard drive! That's some unfortunate luck. I hope you were able to recover everything that were on those from alternate backups.